Ah Ha I've found it... something just for me... ZUMBA! OK yes I know I am a bit behind and everyone has been doing this for a long time already but I finally experienced it for myself yesterday. I have to say after just one class, I just might be hooked! Heres my plug for a HS friend... Avenue to Broadway in Lakehurst NJ, Mondays at 645 and Thursdays at 630... the instructor was great. For my first time I didn't feel lost with the routine, he makes it easy to follow and is not overly complicated but it was an AMAZING workout!!! I haven't sweated like that, probably since a high school field hockey game! If you love to dance and want to burn a lot of calories in just an hour... definitely check it out!
Its so easy to kind of forget about taking care of yourself when you have a little one at home, everything becomes about making sure that they are taken care of and happy. I really do think that all us mommies need some time away to reenergize and to make sure that we too are happy and less stressed. Getting out for a little while just to do something that makes me feel good inside and out is great and I am so glad that I enjoyed it as much as I did. The music pumping, dancing, sweating... I really did feel good afterwards... a boost of energy! I never have been a gym person, I get so bored doing those machines, watching everyone else and my mind wonders and I keep thinking about that good ol' list of things to do. Zumba didn't let me think about anything but the steps, getting it somewhat right and not making a fool of myself. It was exhausting and a little painful at times but so worth it!
My goal... twice a week zumba class, once a week bike ride around the reservoir and maybe some walking in between. Its been over a year and I've been not feeling thrilled about the post baby body (yes I admit, I really haven't done anything to change it up until yesterday) and I'm hoping to lose 15 pounds by the end of summer... I think thats a realistic goal... I'm tired of feeling tired and sluggish and I'm really hoping this does the trick! Now I must keep with it!!! Will keep you posted on my progress.
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