((Steves First Fathers Day))
Jack can't yet express his gratitude for his daddy so I figured I'd give it a try for him.
Yesterday was Steves 2nd Fathers Day and wow what a difference a year makes. Last year Jack was just over a month old and now here we are at 13 months! We figured out that what Jack babbles to Steve is "bubba" instead of dada (Steve calls Jack bubba and we are pretty sure that is what Jack has been calling him!). A very cute bonus on fathers day and yes Jack does actually respond correctly when dada is mentioned, so he's not actually completely confused. Jack is very much a little man now and I think Steve is really enjoying the time with him now. Not saying he didn't adore him any less but I think the mommies tend to adore the cuddle time and gazes of a newborn and the daddies tend to love when play time is possible. Steve will be the first to tell you that it is a ton of fun but so much more exhausting now, yes even with the extra sleep we now get.
Steve was always a great boyfriend, is a wonderful husband and is an amazing dad!! Who knew that a person that had never even held a baby before would have picked it all up as quickly as he did. He was our rock at the hospital when Jack was born
Jack gets the biggest smile when daddy walks through the door at the end of the work day and I think the feeling of happiness is mutual. You can tell by Steves look that he is equally as happy to be home and to see that beautiful boys face! Watching them play together melts my heart and especially the way they can make each other laugh, it is truly precious!
So here it is... if Jack could talk this is what I think he'd say... Dear Daddy... thank you for loving me, even when I'm not listening and hitting the kitty with my golf club... thank you for showing me how to hold a golf club and hockey stick... thank you for the silly tickle fingers... thank you for the hugs and kisses... thanks for playing with me and making me laugh... thanks for doing lots of fun stuff with me and mommy... thanks for being the best daddy ever! I love you!
Its all about making memories and above all putting our family and love for each other first... everything else will fall into place! Thank you Steve, my best friend for nearly 12 years, my husband for nearly 3 years and for being a wonderful daddy for 13 months (and counting...)!
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