Its funny how when we are growing up we don't believe anything anyone tells us and how we question peoples decisions without actually having any experience with what we are judging.... can't say I still don't catch myself judging but maybe I've learned a few things along the way that have made me a bit wiser...
Its easy to judge how someone else deals with parenthood before you have walked in their shoes and now I understand a little better why people may do some of the things they do. I recall having a conversation with a friend about the strict schedule a women had for her child and how it seemed ridiculous to plan everything around a nap time or bedtime. Now I get it, while it may not be the most convenient thing, getting Jack to bed earlier had improved our daily lives and sleep tremendously. So we can't hang out late or go to dinner late... so what... We have am happier, well rested baby which equals a happier and well rested mommy and daddy. Other people looking in may see this as overly rigid but I see it as consistency that leads to a lot less stress!
Another example... We are planning our first family vacation, a 10 day NorthEast cruise. I admit that I am seriously considering getting one of those harness things for Jack. Yup, one of those things that makes your child look like they are on a dog lease. Again, now I get it... for example... on the boat Jack is going to want to walk around, so isn't it safer if I can stop him immediately if need be and when in an area with a lot of people while being within a couple feet of him he is free to walk but I don't have to worry about some crazy grabbing him since he can't run off. My opinion of these things was always, oh how ridiculous is that, the kid looks like a dog... well now that I have Jack it totally makes sense to me.
I understand how it can be so easy to lose your cool when your child is screaming in a restaurant. How you forget that you are surrounded by people and you go ahead and bite off your spouses head not because they did anything wrong but instead because you are in a stressful situation that sometimes gets the best of you for a brief moment.
Now I understand that constant worry about the health, safety and happiness of a child, something I really don't think you can truly appreciate until you are a parent, no matter how many times you are told by your own parents. There is that feeling that you need to be able to provide everything for your child no matter what.
The immediate understanding once your baby is born that that little life is your priority and clothes shopping, nail appointments and 2 week vacations to Europe are no longer the important things in life.
While I can go on and on I guess the point is that we live and learn. There is no way at the age of 12, 15, 17 can you possibly understand where your parents are coming from when they are trying to steer you in the right direction. We all do stupid things and I'm sure we would love to take back now that we know better but its all part of the process... growing up, taking responsibility for our own lives and becoming wiser so that we can one day sound just like our parents did to us...
PS... If you are enjoying my blog please become a follower... lets me know someone is reading this and that I have a few fans out there in cyber world...
Angela I love reading your blog and the way you write is great! I love you outlook on life as well! You are a great mom!