Before I go into the exciting weekend we had figured I'd give a quick update on the new things Jack has been doing. So first, still expanding the variety of food for him. He downed a fresh fig yesterday! He has at least tried just about anything, except seafood and nuts but besides that the list is endless! I am lucky, my kid loves to eat! And even better he will eat almost anything you give him! He loves ice cream just like his mommy and actually like pickles also like mommy, but no not together! He is getting so big, it kind of makes me sad! I feel like hes going to be taller then me soon. So he's been saying mama for a while now and knows its me, his new thing is that he points and taps my arm and says mama... so cute!!! Dada is still a little rough... comes out either as bubba, gaga or even mama (opps!). His vocabulary is getting there too! Bubbles, ball, bbrrrr (yup when he touches something cold), woah... its so cute to hear that little voice! He is also starting to climb up on things taller then hes been and now enjoys spinning himself in circles!! He is so much fun to play with and his laugh just makes us smile! He is still chasing the kitties around with whatever he can swing, yes we are working on being gentle. And swinging.... he loves anything that resembles a stick that he can run around the house with and swing at all the balls, his or the cats, doesn't make a difference to him. I'm thinking he just might be an awesome golfer or hockey player!
That leads me into this weekend, and yea definitely a busy one. Friday night is daddys hockey night so we went to watch and as usual Jack loved it! Everyone gets a kick out of him when he cheers and after the games he grabs whoevers stick is laying on the ground and starts walking around with it. They won by the way! YAY still undefeated... this from a team that two years ago lost every single game! GO MITSUBARU!
Saturday I took Jack for a bike ride with his papa (my dad). Jack I think still has mixed feelings about the whole thing. He certainly isn't a fan of being strapped down and the whole helmet thing is a mini battle. Once we get going hes generally content though most rides he ends up toting along with a bottle in his mouth... we always go in the morning before it gets uber hot which means that half way through is usually around nap time so thats when the crankiness begins and the bottle goes in. For me, I was also feeling a bit on the cranky side, actually for the past two bike rides... my knees are bugging me on those hills! Hoping it eventually fades. ((On a side note... still going to ZUMBA and still loving it!!! I've lost 2 lbs so far, slow and steady i guess. I've actually also signed up for a trial membership at gym where I can do a classes only membership. First class there I think will be Wednesday night zumba, so we'll see how it goes.)) After the bike ride we went to lunch with Steve and my parents and Jack very much enjoyed his ice cream after his grilled cheese. He gets so darn mad when you take it away... pretty sure if we left it up to him, he'd finish it all. Then the fun... we rented a carpet cleaner to do the rugs at the house... i am a bit embarrassed to say but this is the first time since we've moved into the house, yea 3 years... and yup as expected... it was gross how black that water came out! Certainly going to be doing this more often now! And for a while anyhow I will be one one of the crazies that makes you take your shoes off at the front door.
Ok so Saturday night (deserves its own paragraph)... We met up with my brother, his fiance and some of their friends for dinner. Afterwards we headed over to Red Bank for the fireworks... what a mess!!! Good thing is that they closed off the streets because there were a lot of teenager roaming around!! We had to park far away and walk but it was nice out so it wasn't so bad. There was a zillion people all over to we figured that when Jack got tired of sitting in the stroller we'd give the harness a try. As i've mentioned before my opinion of the child harness has made a 360* since having Jack... previous opinion is that they were ridiculous and that leashes were meant for pets not kids... now the complete opposite! They are brilliant! Kids want to run around and parents want to not have their child lost = the harness is a great solution! So we gave it a try and yes I still think it looks silly, it totally works... Jack felt like he had some freedom to roam but I was never more then a couple feet behind him with a hold on him. Oh course we got looks and even some lovely gentlemen made a comment as he walked by with his friends... "oh look at the cute little dog"... c'mon really? Its really not nice to call some ones child a dog! Learn some manners. Anyhow jack was getting tired and cranky but finally the fireworks started and he got a kick out of them... pointing and "oohhh", so cute! The real mess started at the end... trying to clear out was ridiculous with the amount of people... I was actually waiting to get trampled.. we finally made it out onto the street and there in the middle of the road to our right are a bunch of idiots fighting... then town minutes later to our left another idiot is setting off fireworks in the middle of the very crowded road! Why do people have to do stupid things when there are young people, kids, and well behaved adults all around??? GROW UP!!!! So to avoid all that chaos we go down an alley where there happens to be two cops running over to another fight... I really couldn't believe that this was the scene in Red Bank! We finally make it back to the car and just sit there because we can't get out of the parking lot... to cut to the end... it took about 45 minutes just to get to the parkway... thankfully Jack passed out 10 minutes into the car ride.
Sunday... HAPPY 4TH!!! BBQ, pool and wiffle ball game at my Uncles house.... it was a good day! Especially good since we won!!!!
So there you go... an eventful weekend! Hope everyone had a fun and safe weekend of festivities!!!
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