This past weekend was a busy, but wonderful one. We started with Steves hockey game, went onto an engagement party, late night Pete and Eldas and to end it was the Belmar Seafood Festival.
Steve started playing hockey again, on a team with my brothers and their friends. Now I must first mention that when they tried this organized league thing a few years ago, they lost every single game they played, being mercied for a majority of them. Lets just say it was terrible to watch! So far this time around, a whole different story! They have actually won their first

two games! Must say Jack loves to watch lives sports! Being that I was the only spectator this Friday, Jack actually sat in his stroller and watched the entire game... amazing what is possible when he isn't all distracted. You should hear how he screams while the game is going on and how cute it is that is constantly waving to all the players... he is Mitsubarus biggest fan! Then after the game when all the guys come out and plop their bags and sticks down... Jack helps himself to the sticks and walks around swinging... the next pro for sure! We are very excited that a good number of the games are at 7pm so Jack can watch his daddy play!
Saturday was the big celebration... Dom (my brother) and Jens Engagement Party!!! For anyone that has had to plan a big important event, you know that almost never does it go off without at least one little mishap... this one was that Jen showed up a bit late because of a hair appointment... happens to the best of us and it always ends up being a fun story later on. Besides that the day was perfect... they both looked wonderful and their friends and family were there to celebrate their love with them! We are so excited for them.... Jack had fun too! Of course he is only one so he spent probably a quarter of the time walking around outside. He is so cute though... will eat just about anything you give to him... before the meal he snacked on grano padano, bread and fried zucchini.((On a side note... Jack eats just about anything at this point, even organic skinless hot dogs, except for fish, honey and nuts... he is a great eater and his favorite food groups are definitely carbs and fruit! He loves strawberries, melon, nectarines, cherries...)) Of course by time dinner same, it was 3 which meant Jack was keeping to

schedule and showed no interest in eating but went down for a nap in no time. I must say... Jack was looking wonderful at this party... wearing a four piece Nautica outfit... dress pants, button down shirt, vest and tie... by the way we got a coordinating outfit for Steve... SO CUTE! It was a great party.. they did a wonderful job planning!
Saturday after the party we headed home to give Jack dinner and then called Steves mom to come babysit the munchkin... we headed to the beach where some of the guys were surfing... and as usual by time we get there, they are packing up to leave... instead of ending the night there... we went to Pete and Eldas, which I haven't been to since I was pregnant... it was delish but starting to question whether my stomach can handle late night grease the way it used to be... We had some good laughs!!
Sunday we took Jack to the seafood festival... no worries we fed him before hand figuring it wouldn't be easy to find him something to eat there... It was so hot out but jack was a trooper! He took a nice long walk on the boardwalk with Nana and Papa while we ate our lunch. Then to cool down some Jack had a little sampling of a strawberry banana smoothie and orange cream smoothie... go figure that he liked it... shouldn't be surprised really....
It was a good weekend! Of course Monday creeps up way too quickly and its back to the daily routine things. I am so glad though, that Jack while he probably doesn't quite understand whats going on, he is experiencing lots of different things! He is great in all situations and it makes it that much easier to go out anywhere.
So a little update on Jack... he turned 13 months on Saturday! He is not only walking now but is getting faster and faster. He cracks us up as well as himself! He loves to play and laugh... He is understanding more and more everyday... while he still ignores when we say NO he does respond when we ask him to get a specific item. He knows when I am making him lunch and ask if he wants t sit in his chair he walks over to his high chair... So cute, he now says BOO back to us when playing peek a boo, which happens to be a favorite game of his. He plays with his hands or a book and he finds it hysterical! He is eating and sleeping great. His sleeping schedule has been working out great... 9am and 3pm are nap time and 730/8pm is bedtime... he is so much happier during the day and waking up in a great mood... we should all try to get some extra sleep! Jack is a doll... Steve and I are enjoying this playful stage!