I am actually exhausted from a day that was filled with a whole lot of crying, getting into things he shouldn't be into (glass dishes) and barely there naps, and still I have this urge to write a quick entry.
On this day last year, May 11th, I had my final ob appointment, the final stress test and little did I know what was to come only hours later. The stress test was fine, Jacks heart rate was great the only difference this time was that the uterine activity line showed some movement. When my doctor checked out the strip of paper that prints out of the machine she asked me if I had been feeling any contractions. I replied, "no". For a moment she was considering doing an exam and then opted not to since I was scheduled for only two days later for my c-section. I went home and went about the day without a clue that the uterine activity was a sign of what was to come. I was worrying about getting all my paperwork together because the next day I had an appointment for all the pre surgery tests at the hospital and the day after that I was scheduled to have Jack delivered by c-section. I had packed my bag weeks before and was all set to go on May 14th. I went to bed this night just like any other. At this point with the giant belly (though I had only just reached the recommended 20 lb weight gain at this final appt), sleeping was uncomfortable and difficult.
For any of you that have had a baby, you know that my month 9 there is no room left for the bladder to hold anything. So I was getting up every couple hours, now I don't remember how many times I got up prior but I stepped out of bed at 2:50(ish) in the morning on May 12th to empty that bladder.... just a few steps into the bathroom I felt a lovely wetness and I was pretty sure I hadn't just peed myself but at the same time it wasn't some gush of fluids as I had expected. After wrapping my head around what was going on for a few moments I yelled out to Steve "I think its time to go". The rest is the story of the first year of my beautiful boys life.
That morning my breath was taken away like I never thought possible. That moment that Steve brought Jack by my side in the operating room was a moment that I will never forget and that will forever be cherished. So here we are May 11th at 11:00 PM, only a few hours from the moment that Jack Tyler LeMoine graced us with his presence and changed our lives forever, one year ago.
Happy Birthday Jack!