Yea, its yet another entry about my sleeping habit battle with Jack. I am a complete loss. He is amazing during the day, eats well, plays... he is super easy going... until sleepy time comes around. Lately it's not even just at night anymore. It seems that as soon as we seem to be making progress we are just as quickly thrown backwards. It is incredibly frustrating to not know how to fix it.
So we tried the whole letting him cry it out thing and it seemed to be working but never did hit that sleep through the night marker and then again we seemed to have gone backwards again. It used to be a five minute effort to get him to nap. He was napping on a great schedule and for a decent amount of time each one. Now it is a 45 minute process. He has no problem falling asleep on me but when it comes time to lay him down all hell breaks lose. There is the screaming, crying and clinging. We are at a loss! So now napping is barely on a schedule and they last long enough for me to maybe eat breakfast and get dressed.
Completely clueless as to what happened. Our night time routine is the same. At this point the only successful part of the past month is that he doesn't need a bottle in the middle of the night anymore. I guess I should be glad about that, right, it is something. This week he actually hasn't even wanted to take a bottle to fall asleep at night. That part has been going generally smoothly, taking maybe 15 minutes for the initial lay down... the problem comes in when he wakes up in the middle of the night. Nothing we do seems to help and we get so frustrated that we end up just bringing him into our bed. Yup, he manages to sleep amazingly perfect in our bed, waking up at 7:30.
Its kind of like, okay we are creating a bad habit of sleeping in our bed BUT he is sleeping well and isn't that kind of more important? He wakes up happy. It drives me nuts to hear how people were able to let their kid cry for three nights and then from that point on they have slept through... we have been battling for weeks and we still can't figure it out! I never ever had even expected that most difficult part of having a baby would be getting him to sleep well.
I am open to suggestions... any tips, good books, anythiiinnngggg!!!!
On a better note.... Jacks first birthday party.... it went great! Funny the night before the party he slept great and took two good naps the day of... he had a ball... he loves being around people! The weather was perfect and we were so glad to be around people that love Jack! His cake turned out amazing and I hugely recommend Pink Cake Box.... they are fantastic!
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