May 12, 2009 the most precious life was placed into my arms. Now, here we are one year later, already! Anyone that has a child understands how quickly the time flies by and how quick they change and develop. Jack is amazing and so sweet. Today was a day of celebration!
We had our Little Gym class this morning, which Jack always enjoys! He loves running around, climbing and playing with his other little friends. One friends birthday is tomorrow so we brought her a mini bunch of flowers. Training him to be a gentleman for a young age! Never can start to early when if comes to treating a girl right! At the end of class we all sang Happy Birthday.
After lunch and a short nap it was time to get ready.... Daddy took a half day to celebrate! We went to build a bear where we picked out a Panda, which we later named Bug A Boo. Jack did all the hard work... We picked out a heart for our bear and even added the birthday sound piece, he stepped on the pedal to stuff the bear, we gave the bear a "wash" in the tub then picked out a cute birthday tee shirt for Bug A Boo to wear! Jack actually enjoyed the whole thing very much... I guess for him there was a lot of cool colorful stuff to look at and feel.
From there we went to Cheesecake Factory, lets just say Jack wasn't so much in the mood for eating, so the mac and cheese got packed up and instead he sucked down a bottle and a few pieces of bread. We even managed to keep clean, which is always a huge feat!
Off to our portrait session at JcPenney.... must say I was very much impressed with our photographer, she was great with him, so much so that he was partly more interested in playing with her then taking the photos. Never the less, the pictures came out so cute! He actually did a great job, what a ham! And finally we have a few really great family photos. Could not be happier with how it all turned out. It was a great birthday celebration!
Of course on the way home he fell asleep, like out cold. Didn't even flinch when I took his shoes and jacket off. So instead of disturbing him for cupcakes and presents, off to bed he went. I guess we'll be singing tomorrow! I cannot believe thats it. An entire year has gone by and Jack is growing quickly. I think I found the right words for his card and I look forward to him reading it when he is old enough to understand. He is the best thing that has happened to Steve and I and we are so blessed to have such a happy and healthy baby boy in our lives. The plan is to be sure that every year we celebrate in a special way, the three of us (plus any future child), so that he always know that he is a blessing in our lives and that day he came into our lives, our family got a whole lot better!
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