Monday, May 10, 2010

A Mothers Day to Remember

Yesterday I celebrated my very first Mothers Day. If you were wondering, last year it fell on May 10th, and Jack was born May 12th so yup I was super close last year. My first was one that I will remember and cherish forever.

Steve surprised me yesterday morning with the greatest gift, a video he made up with photos, videos and music all about Jack and our family. I felt the tears coming as soon as it was turned on and held it together for about two minutes before I started crying hysterically, in a good way though. I think it was a combination of seeing Jack so little again and knowing that a whole year has nearly gone by already! So Steve and I sat and watched the video together, from the moments before Steve came into the operating room for Jacks birth, learning to roll, the sweet giggle of a newborn, the smiles with the angels during a nap, crawling and then the big walking! It was the best gift, I have never before been brought to tears over a gift, but this was special. There it was, a video depicting the first year of mommyhood and to see the changes and all of the wonderful moments was incredible. You sometimes forget how the smile looked when their lips are so tiny or the way they stare at a new toy or stuffed animal, the sound of a baby giggle or the pitch of the first babbles and reliving all of that was a moment that I will never forget. So I must say thank you again to my amazing husband who worked for weeks to make that video and it will be cherished forever. The second gift was a spa appointment for an 80 minute hot stone massage later in the day. Let me tell you... getting pampered like that once in awhile is so worth it. You come back relaxed and so refreshed.

Our day was spent with family. We had everyone over for a brunch. I love cooking so I don't mind doing it. Everything turned out delish! I think everyone enjoyed themselves and the crafty gift that Jack and I made for everyone. Of course I'm sure they will also enjoy the newest Avon scent, Eternal Magic... ;-) I do the winky face because I sell Avon. All in all a great day that I got to share with my wonderful husband, son and the rest of the family.

Hope that all you mommies out there had an equally memorable and enjoyable day! Share your stories with me!

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  1. Aww Angela that's a very sweet gift your husband gave you! So happy you enjoyed your Mother's Day! Happy Almost birthday to Jack!

  2. ok sooo at jacks party Steve is going to need to hang out with Ray and tell him how wives love all these things!! I need someone to train ray!! haha I wanna see the video! sounds so sweet!! Cant wait to see you saturday!!
