So we move onto the next batch of clothes. And yes, me being slightly compulsive, organized his closet by size than used his armoire and dresser for the clothes he fit into in the present moment. But its not only the clothes.... there is so much change in him.... his ability to see clearer, to react to our facial expressions, to focus on a toy or book. As the months went by there was constant adjustment.... the amount of milk he took at a feeding, the toys that kept his interest, the napping...
I am very grateful that we are basically on a schedule with Jack, it seems to work. He is now taking two naps a day, each lasting between and hour and two. This is not to say that there are wacky days. The tough part is nighttime, still doesn't sleep through the night but generally only wakes up once a night. The once a night is no comparison to every two hours during the first month or so. As far as the rest of the day.... there is a morning bottle, breakfast, play, nap, bottle, play, lunch, bottle, dinner, bath, sleep.
Back to the whole changes.... so I mentioned that i've been keeping track of everything... for example... by 2/3 months he was making a lot more noises and giving beautiful smiles. September 3, almost 4 months old, is really trying to roll over. Week of September 7, really starts checking out his feet. September 12, 6:45 pm Jack rolls over all my himself (of course while Steve and I were in the kitchen for a split second)! October 16 first tooth breaks through! October 21 he figures out how to lift his knees and chest at the same time but just rocks back and forth, very cute! October 26, holds his own bottle. By the first week of November he has reached 6 teeth!!! November 13 while getting a shot, he cried hi first real tear! The next day we start solids, oatmeal! His favorites now is basically anything orange, butternut squash, carrots, sweet potato, and seems to like blueberries and banana! And yup, anyone who knows me knows I love to cook, so I make all of jacks food (except for the cereal stuff)! December rolls around and he starts pulling himself up on his bouncy seat. December 5 he takes his first real crawling steps! December 19 starts clapping. December 26 starts cruising, December 30 gets up first step. It was official in January that he most definitely says "hi kitty"... he does say mama, dada and baba just not sure if he knows why yet... but he definitely knows his kitties! He now moves quickly from crawling to sitting up, he bounces to music, loves playing peek a boo, enjoys chasing his kitty cats and will be starting a class at a little gym in a couple weeks.
The time goes so quick and he is constantly growing, learning, laughing, smiling and changing.... its hard sometimes but each day must be cherished because before Steve and I know it he will be all grown up. I hate when people say, oh I bet you can't wait for him to be done with this or to do that on his own... I try not to do this... because then everything will have just passed by in a flash.... trying to live for each moment!
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