In a split second your heart can drop and for a brief moment you stop breathing. Yesterday was a moment for me. We went to my parents last night for a BBQ. Since it was a bit chilly out Jack only played outside for about 20 minutes. Who knew what would come later. Maybe two hours later, after we ate dinner, I went to put a new bib on Jack and there is was.... on the back of his neck... a nasty tick!! I yelled out that there was a tick on him and tried to see if I could just scrape it off. Of course not! The damn bugger had already started digging in.
What a horrible moment, to think that this disease carrying bug was trying to make its way onto my baby! Maybe I am being a bit over dramatic but this probably goes back to me having that fear of sickness in the back of my mind. After a few minutes of jack screaming and my dad with the tweezers... the tick came out head and all. That of course is a good thing... nothing left behind. Now all that remains is a tiny red spot where the tick was yanked out. We immediately threw him in the bath and checked him over five times. So yes, it was god that I saw it so soon after but still just the thought of it brings enough fear into my head that now I have a new worry added to my list.
My fathers cousin had the misfortune of being bit by a mosquito many years ago, in Florida while fishing in a swamp area. He is now paralyzed in a wheel chair, he had been in a coma for several months and never completely regained his speech. That is horrifying that one bite from one bug can cause such devastation in a persons life and completely alter the day to day.
It all just makes you realize how precious a life is and how life can change in a split second. My lesson learned is to try a bit harder to not sweat the small stuff, to take a deep breath when I am feeling overwhelmed and to never take my husband and son foregranted.
****New Recipe to follow soon****
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