Here we are, about one month away from Mothers Day (which also means we are almost only a month away from Jacks 1st birthday, ah). I was so close last year, Mothers Day fell on the 10th and Jack made his grand entrance two days later. Last year was nice because I was as close to being an official mom as you can get. I was the vessel that made sure Jack was fed, safe and growing strong so that he would be a healthy beautiful boy when the time came. Who knew it would only be two days later, this is because I was scheduled for a c-section for the 14th (breach baby) but Jack had other plans.
This year is something truly amazing, my first real Mothers Day. Its all about the amazing gift that I have been given and the unconditional, endless love that I have for my son. While life is not the same, life is so much better with Jack in my life. Its hard to remember what it was like without him. He brings me so much joy with just a smile or a very slobbery kiss. He has taught me the importance of life is in the small quite moments we have with each other, to not dwell on meaningless drama. He makes everyday interesting.
I will be hosting Mothers Day this year, I have every year since we've had the house except for last year since I was about ready to pop. I will be doing a brunch for the moms in our lives. I love entertaining and this one I am hoping to feel extra special despite the fact that I will be cooking and hosting. I've already got the menu planned and an idea in my head of what the table will look like. I've already picked up some pretty lilac colored napkins and candles to help set the scene. Of course there will be flowers, because well what mommy doesn't love a flower.
I am hoping that this perfect fantasy day in my head isn't met with disappointment (more to my own fault then anything else). It is so easy to picture this perfect day with the adorable first mothers day card, the perfectly meaningful and thoughtful gift.... good food (of course!), good conversation, perfect pictures of me and Jack (and a few with Steve of course, xoxox) with beautiful flowers in the background... too much to wish for? I tend to drive my self nuts until I figure out the perfect gift that we can look back on and be like wow that was a great fathers day or christmas, valentines day or birthday... I try to make the gift special. I know things will not be perfect and its not necessarily about the gift but about the acknowledgment of everything I do for Jack on a daily basis and everything I do for my family. I think we could all agree with that, right? Life goes by so quickly and we tend to not take the opportunity to thank our parents, spouse.... for all that they do and how much we appreciate them. This is all I hope for this mothers day.
An amazing "mama" and a big kiss from the munchkin wouldn't hurt either.
So what are your plans for this coming mothers day? Feel free to post a comment on the special mom in your life, would love to hear a great story about how your mom, grandma, whoever, has inspired you in some way. I am very thankful for my mom who will do anything for me and has helped me in every way she knows how. So I thank her for helping me become the person I am today and for being there for me at the drop of a dime when I need her.
I hope you have a wonderful day, Ang! You so deserve it!