You would think this is all wonderful news and the family would be satisfied with this good doctors report. Nope! Of course not... but I almost feel like I should have expected that. It is "expected" that Jack be at the tip top of the weight scale and that he should be eating full blown spaghetti and meatball meals already. It was not acceptable that his weight gain has slowed slightly. Its so frustrating.... here I am feeling very good about the decisions my husband and I have been making for OUR son and here comes the family with all their negative judgement.
I made the best decision for him when he was born, to breast feed, even though this is certainly not the simple option. When it came time for starting solids we waited until 6 months because breast fed babies get all the nutrition they need from the milk and he showed no signs of being not satisfied with just the milk. When it came time to choosing a cereal to start, we choose organic. When it came time to start fruits and vegetables, we decided I would make all of it, and do as much of it organic as possible, pending finding the organic produce. From the 6 month mark I have added something new nearly every week or every other week. He has had a great variety of fruits, vegetables, and most recently the addition of yogurt, whole peas, diced carrot and chicken, I even tried pastina last night with his dinner. His snacks at this point consist of organic puffs, organic yogurt melts and organic biter cookies.
People don't seem to understand that I am the one that is with him all day, I know what he eats comfortably and what he has trouble with. I am in no way okay with people that would just love to stuff his face until he ready to burst.... I am not for force feeding. He tells me with queues when he has had enough and I stop even if he didn't finish every last drop of food. It takes him time to get used to new foods and new textures. I allow him time to get used to it and even enjoy it before starting something different. I don't quite see the rush. The last batch of foods I made him (in the freezer) is starting to run low on certain things.... when I get working on his next batch there will be the addition of new food and new textures.
Steve and I are very happy with Jacks development... in growth, motor skills, everything. We are proud of the things that we have decided to do for our son. He is a happy baby and we are happy parents. I don't take it to much to heart what everyone else says and I have no intentions of changing my ways but I can't deny that it bugs me. Isn't the family supposed to be the ones that support and encourage you, not the ones to pass judgement on EVERY decision you make? *SIGH* another day, another bit of drama.
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