Thursday, July 8, 2010

Its a Damn Shame

This is a short one but figured it is important to make others aware...

What a shame... I just read an article about a new study done on lead content of childrens juices and snacks. The article I read is posted on the seventh generation website (unfortunately i'm having trouble linking it)

Here I am, I try as often as possible to get items for Jack that are all natural or organic and even that isn't enough. A new study has shown that some very huge brands are putting out products for consumption with high levels of lead in them... "The results: 125 out of 146 products tested, or 85 percent, contained alarming amounts of lead." You can view the list of products and whether or not the items tested positive on the seventh generation website.

Its just aggravating when you think you are doing good and in fact these companies are not as safe as they claim to be. How are we supposed to know this, who are we supposed to trust? Its a bit ridiculous that we pay extra for organic items and even those might still be harmful. Is there any alternative short of raising your own meat, growing your own produce, etc??

I guess we should be very thankful for these independent research groups that blow the whistle on these things but it's ridiculous that this is what has to be done to get a safe product. Shouldn't these things be tested for before a product is given the okay to get out there on the grocery store shelves? Makes you wonder what the hell have we been consuming over our lifetimes? Who knows what it could have done or is doing to our bodies.... we need to go back in time and become self sustainable like the amish!

1 comment:

  1. I will definitely be checking this website out now to see if the stuff I've been giving my boys are included. So scary. Reminds me of the link I posted a few months ago about sunscreen. If you didn't see it, it claimed that MOST of the name brand sunscreens that we all grew up on and still purchase now contain ingredients that actually CAUSE cancer!!! I will try to find the link for you. I'm talking some major brands like Banana Boat, Coppertone, Hawaiian Tropic...UGH! Damned if you do, damned if you don't!
