Live and learn right?!?! If my husband and I learned anything from our first son it was that we waited way to long to allow him to learn to self soothe. I know there are plenty of you that may disagree with the ferber method but it works! With our first we tried every gentle method we were told about or read about and nothing worked with jack! He was absolutely horrible! We didn't get him to sleep through the night until he was a year old. Jack is now a little over 2 and the night time can still be a struggle some nights!
Ryan will be 6 months old on the 26th. Everything ice read says if you wait much linger past 6 months they start to understand much more and will protest. Getting Ryan to sleep isn't the tough part. The tough part is getting him to stay asleep. We could have gotten him down at 8 but from then until 11/1130/12 he'd be up three times. After that point he'd sleep a little better but still get up at least twice a night. So to the point... Last we decided to start the process. He is still little so I am not stoping feedings. We however decided that he needed to be laid down awake and allow him to fall asleep on his own, after finishing a bottle of course... In the middle of the night last night he woke up maybe 10 mins after finishing a bottle we decided to let him cry it out... Hearing him cry for 30 minutes was nearly unbearable but I know that in the end he will be a better sleeper which means well rested and happy! We stuck it out! Today for nap he cried 15 minutes then took an hour and a half nap! Tonight he cried 5 minutes and has been sleeping since 8!!! Progress is happening so much faster then with jack. We pray we can get through the frying part fast and that sleep time becomes a simple thing with baby 2!